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  • What is Patchwork Plagiarism? 
    Inadvertent plagiarism is a pressing issue in academia, often stemming from a lack of awareness or misunderstanding regarding proper citation practices. It can take many forms, such as failing to…
  • How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay?
    Compare-and-contrast essays’  primary goal is to enhance understanding through systematic comparisons, allowing scholars and researchers to explore the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. This analytical approach not…
  • APA Reference Page: Format and Examples
    The American Psychological Association (APA) style is widely used in academic writing, particularly in the social sciences, and one of the essential components of this style is the APA reference…
  • What is a Process Essay? (and how to write one)
    In academia, students and researchers often find themselves having to write process essays – a specific kind of academic writing that guides readers through a particular project or explains how…
  • R Discovery Review: Is it the Best AI Tool for Literature Search?
    Literature search and research reading can be overwhelming. The research discovery process often needs you to sift through millions of academic papers across multiple databases, juggling different search engines and…
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