Paperpal for Manuscript: Unique Features to Help You Get Submission-Ready

by Samuel Leslie
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Paperpal for Manuscript: Unique features to help you get submission-ready

Getting your research published is a challenging task for both novice and experienced researchers. Ensuring that your draft is written in clear, error-free language and that it adheres to academic writing conventions is a critical step in the manuscript preparation process. And after all the hard work you’ve put into your research, you must make sure your manuscript meets all the stringent quality standards and requirements at your target publication.  

Paperpal is an AI-powered tool for researchers that has “learned” from millions of language corrections made by professional English academic editors. Unlike other general writing assistants that focus on correcting grammar, Paperpal includes the following unique features that go beyond language and grammar and are very specific to academic writing and publication: 

  • Auto-detection of British English vs. American English style: Most journals require you to follow either British or American conventions of writing. Paperpal can detect whether you have used British or American English to write your manuscript and automatically applies the appropriate styling to the text. This auto-detection helps the algorithm suggest the appropriate styles for the date and time format, punctuation, and spelling to enhance and ensure consistency in writing. 
Fig 1. Changes to date format and spelling to ensure British English style
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  • Style Consistency Checks: In academic writing, there are certain stylistic elements that can be written in multiple ways. If Paperpal detects different variations of these key elements when checking your manuscript, it flags the types of variations and the number of instances of each variation present in your document. This information can help you pick the desired style and ensure that the same style is used consistently throughout your paper. 
Fig 2. Consistency Check suggestions to ensure consistent writing style 
  • Academic writing conventions: Academic writing follows certain general conventions that also align with the requirements of most academic journals. Paperpal’s robust AI keeps a track of these conventions and alerts you when there is scope for your writing to better adhere to these conventions.  
Fig 3. Suggestion to spell out an abbreviation at its first use in the Abstract

Writing tips: Apart from suggesting edits to ensure that your text is error-free and grammatically sound, Paperpal also provides detailed educational messages and examples that help you better understand certain types of common writing errors. These messages are aimed at helping you understand repeated language errors and improve your academic writing skills. 

Fig 4. Writing Tips with educational explanations and examples for common writing errors 

Paperpal is a trusted advisor for all your research writing and editing needs; more than 20,000 authors have already used our suite of AI tools to enhance their academic writing. If you have a ready paper and want to evaluate if it is submission ready, head on over and use Paperpal for Manuscript’s 30+ language and technical checks to fast-track the manuscript preparation process and deliver a high-quality paper. 

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