As a researcher intending to publish your work in a peer-reviewed journal, you have a responsibility to ensure that any and all ethical guidelines have been met and the relevant ethical declaration is present in your paper. Ethical declarations are a critical part of the submission process and non-adherence could …
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The language of your research papers plays a key role in academic publishing and can determine the visibility and reach of your scholarly publications. English has long monopolized scientific publications, comprising almost 95% of published academic text, and remains the lingua franca for research publications worldwide. This means that compared …
English has been widely considered the language of science, accounting for more than 90% of published research.1 This means that research by ESL (English-as-a-second-language) authors are only likely to gain widespread recognition if it is published in an international English journal. To add to this, poor language quality regularly features …
As a researcher, it is a moment of great joy—and profound relief—to have the final draft of your manuscript ready for journal submission. Now, after all the work you’ve put in, imagine your manuscript being returned without being accepted for peer review. This can be deeply disappointing, especially if this …
Tremendous breakthroughs in NLP, computer vision, and machine learning have allowed us to hit major milestones in the development and use of AI solutions. The last several years have seen businesses being transformed after incorporating AI-based automation as a complement to human effort. This has also translated to the scholarly …