Trusted by top universities, publishers and academic writers from more than 125 countries

Write efficiently and reliably with Paperpal
Fix complex grammar issues in one click.
Paraphrase text and ensure academic tone in minutes.
Get 100% verified references as you write
Plagiarism checks
Avoid accidental plagiarism in your academic text
Paperpal understands academic context, suggesting precise language corrections without changing references, equations, technical terms, and non-English words.

Accurate paraphrasing that retains the meaning of your text while maintaining an academic tone

Never break your writing momentum with Paperpal’s Research feature. Get science-backed answers to your questions and save relevant citations to your library.

Real-time plagiarism report with a similarity score, side-by-side comparisons, and color-coded results to help you avoid accidental or self-plagiarism.

How Paperpal Outperforms Other AI Academic Writing Tools
Language suggestions, tailored to academic text | |||
Style, numbering & other consistency checks | |||
Research repository with insights from 250M+ articles | |||
Accurate AI Translation across 30+ languages | |||
Writing suggestions based on your notes, with pre-set or custom prompts | |||
Chat with PDFs for summaries, insights & related papers | |||
30+ Pre-submission language & technical checks (plus Plagiarism) | |||
Instant AI reviews with advice on improving text | |||
Overleaf Chrome Extension |
Disclaimer: Based on independent research; features may change. Please verify all details with respective companies before proceeding.
Why academics prefer Paperpal 👇
"Ever since I’ve been using Paperpal I haven’t received one mark against my grammar. I went from getting B’s on my papers to A’s. And now instead of dreading writing papers, I actually look forward to it because of Paperpal."

Angela Jones
Student, SNHU, USA
"Paperpal has assisted me in proofreading and providing useful suggestions to my manuscripts. As a researcher, this powerful tool comes in handy in ensuring timely delivery and stress-free collaboration with international partners."

Wilson Gbedema
PhD student, Knust, Ghana
Institutional plans
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Frequently Asked Questions
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