Proofreading academic papers is a critical step for researchers, which makes it important to find the right academic editor to partner with on your publication journey. Those pursuing an academic career are usually busy trying to get research published in reputed journals, but this is no easy task. Most researchers …
Elizabeth Oommen George
Writing an impactful physical sciences research paper that presents your findings effectively and meets the high standards expected by leading international journals takes substantial effort. You need to know how to write an article in physical sciences, which requires a clear and concise explanation of scientific phenomena, the correct use …
Supplementary material in research is an essential component of scientific publishing and can greatly enhance the impact of a research paper. It provides additional information, technical data, and results that are not included in the main text of a paper but are important to understanding the study. With the growing …
Most early career researchers are not aware of editing and proofreading techniques and even experienced researchers sometimes struggle with proofreading their papers. Most researchers do not have the time or resources to proofread their work thoroughly if they are working under tight deadlines. Many feel too fatigued to proofread having …
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a renewed focus on pharma and medical research, with a surge in new ideas, discoveries, and breakthroughs. As such, it is essential for research authors to ensure they are following the highest standards of medical research and ethics, adhering to the right academic and …
Academic writing is an essential part of a researcher’s life; some common examples of academic writing are dissertations, grant proposals, abstracts, and research articles. However, many early career researchers and researchers with English as a second language find themselves struggling with academic writing. Even some native English speakers find it …
Academic writing is an essential part of a researcher’s toolkit and it is critical for PhD students to develop good writing habits as they transition into the academic world. However, with most of their time spent reading research, working in the lab or out in the field, and interacting with …
Academic writing is vital for PhD student and researchers, and identifying appropriate keywords in research papers is a crucial part of the process. However, not many academics understand the importance of keywords in research papers and why you need to get this right. When used well, keywords in scientific papers …
Writing a research manuscript and publishing it in reputed academic journals is an integral part of the research process. Yet, with rejection rates of top-tier journals ranging as high as 80%-95%, this is easier said than done.1 Research manuscripts need to meet several key submission requirements to even be considered, …
While research is based on the pillars of innovation, trust, and transparency, it also requires scientists and academics to abide by certain ethical considerations in research. The world is increasingly dependent on the scientific community to come up with solutions to global problems. When inaccurate or plagiarised results are published, …