Paperpal, a prominent brand by Cactus Communications, has announced its partnership with Aries Systems Corporation, a leading technology workflow solutions provider to the scholarly publishing community. Through this collaboration, Paperpal Preflight, a web-based platform designed to simplify research writing and editing, will offer authors the chance to run comprehensive AI-powered language and …
Elizabeth Oommen George
Paperpal, a brand by Cactus Communications, said it has partnered with Innovations Journals to deliver a superior submission experience for authors with its Preflight product. This partnership allows authors submitting manuscripts to Innovations Journals to use Paperpal Preflight for an in-depth language and technical compliance check that will help reduce editorial workloads. Abhishek …
Paperpal, an AI writing assistant, has introduced a freemium model to better support researchers working on their academic manuscripts. Academics can now upgrade to Paperpal Prime, which has more features as compared to the Essentials Pack that provides 500 free language suggestions each month through the Web platform and the …
One of the main objectives for researchers is conducting research and getting their work published. However, the painstaking months spent on writing and finalizing the manuscript for publication can count for nothing if some basic processes are not followed. While what you may want to share with the wider academic …
Researchers spend a great amount of time conducting research, carrying out lab work or field study, engaging in discussions with experts in their field and figuring out scientific writing styles. While it is important for researchers to continually gather new insights, gain diverse perspectives, and add to their knowledge, it …
According to the Global Language Monitor, which tracks language usage trends, English has more than a whopping 1 million distinct words in current use.1 Many of these words look, sound, or are even spelled alike but have different meanings and are used in different contexts. Some words sound and look different …
Most researchers face the challenge of having to balance different professional tasks; from conducting research to teaching, mentoring, and importantly publishing their work. Getting published is integral to grow your academic career; it helps you secure new research funding, opens up opportunities for future collaborations, and enhance your reputation as …
The pressure to publish or perish is very real in the world of science and research. Students and researchers not only need to deliver novel, significant research, they also need to produce impeccable manuscripts that will be accepted by reputed journals. With the surge in the numbers of articles being …
It is quite common to see PhD students and researchers be fairly comfortable with conversational English but then feel overwhelmed when it comes to using more academic vocabulary. It stands to reason that academic writing requires a degree of familiarity with academic and technical terms. And the sooner one is …
Irrespective of how good the level of English proficiency, researchers may make mistakes in their spelling/grammar, terminology use, and word choice, especially if they are working on deadlines. This is where automated AI-driven academic writing and English editing tools offer a significant advantage, improving the quality of submitted manuscripts in …