Paperpal, by Editage, has emerged as a trusted AI academic writing assistant for more than 800,000 authors worldwide, supporting them from the ideation stage all the way to submission readiness for journals. It blends over 21 years of STM experience with cutting-edge AI technology to provide comprehensive writing, language editing, …
AI has transformed academic writing for good. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and Claude have become increasingly popular due to their accessibility and versatility, from generating text to providing research assistance, making them valuable assets for students and researchers alike. However, are these general-purpose AI writing tools trained enough …
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) tools into the academic writing process has sparked numerous debates, particularly around the ethical considerations of plagiarism and AI detection. The interest in this topic was evident in the engagement and enthusiasm we saw in our recent webinar on the ethical use of AI …
Generative AI has ushered in a new era of possibilities, redefining the way we create content, analyze data, and unlock new insights. However, as academics delve into the efficiencies that these generative AI tools offer, it’s crucial to recognize their limitations and be aware of the ethical considerations around using …
Generative AI tools have emerged as a powerful ally for researchers and students around the world. But the academic community embraces AI for their academic writing needs, it becomes imperative to understand not just the capabilities of these generative AI tools but also the ethical considerations that should guide their …
Writing a descriptive essay involves using specific language to depict a person, object, experience, or event. The idea is to use illustrative language to show readers what the writer wants to convey – it could be as simple as a peaceful view from the top of a hill or as …
Paperpal has just crossed the remarkable milestone of 500,000 users globally, and we couldn’t be happier. We want to celebrate this achievement with you, so this Thanksgiving, we’re presenting you with a special gift that you will value and love. We invite you to refer Paperpal to your friends and …
Academic publishing can be a daunting process. Authors often have to deal with high manuscript rejection rates that can be as high as 97%, with only one out of every 10 papers being accepted for peer review. In fact, acceptance rates rarely exceed 40% even for journals with less stringent …
One of the most important skills for scholars to master is paraphrasing in academic writing. This is because research is built on previously published articles, which means you will often need to incorporate existing knowledge into your own work. That being said, scientific writing demands originality, which means that academics …
Around the time we introduced Paperpal to the world last year, ChatGPT launched with a splash and quickly went viral. By May 2023, interest levels escalated and many of our academic users were typing academic writing “prompts” into every available text box on the Paperpal platform. Fortunately, our sister brand …